This barrel fabric clad canopy is 5.9m wide x 13m long with round columns, universal (RSJ) eaves beams and trellis hoops. Includes gutters to both sides and downpipes. Used for mainly a social area for pupils in the rain.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes unlike some solutions that need to be taken down in the winter or during high winds our canopies are designed to be useable all year round. The cladding materials as well as providing shade are also waterproof so that they can be used during wet weather.
If you are considering purchasing a canopy from any company, it is in fact strongly recommended that you visit an existing installation to see exactly what you are paying for. At Clovis Canopies we are proud of our work and are happy to arrange (with the clients consent) for you to view examples of our work and structures.
Subject to appropriate cleaning and maintenance we offer the following guarantees:-
We aim for 100% satisfaction 100% of the time.
We are a sound, family run company with a high credit rating, which has been manufacturing and installing modular steel buildings for over 45 years. A great deal of our work comes from repeat business and recommendations from existing customers (references available on request). We aim for 100% satisfaction 100% of the time. As well as being CHAS (Contractors Health and Safety Scheme) accredited, Construction Line registered we are a approved contractor to many Local Authorities and large building contractors. You will be allocated a dedicated Contract Manager who can be contacted to answer any questions that you may have at any point in the process.
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