We were invited by the school to install an Oxford XL Barrel Vault canopy to be used as a social and dining area by the school’s students. The canopy has approximate dimensions of 11m wide x 20m with the roof structure and gable end Ds clad with waterproof PVC fabric. In addition, the canopy is largely enclosed with clamped glass side walls with two sections left open for access. The glass side walls give additional protection from the elements during inclement weather, this makes the entire covered area available all year round, the school’s students have been making use of their newly covered space since the first day it was made open to them.
We always advise that you call your local planning authority as there are no hard and fast rules. They will advise on whether you require planning permission for your proposed canopy. Although it differs from region to region canopies under 30m2 may not require permission but this can be affected by situations such as proximity to neighbours, listed building status, conservation areas etc. so it always best to check. We are happy to provide free of charge, scaled drawings etc. of the proposed canopy structure to assist your application should you require.
Yes unlike some solutions that need to be taken down in the winter or during high winds our canopies are designed to be useable all year round. The cladding materials as well as providing shade are also waterproof so that they can be used during wet weather.
In relation to our canopies Building Regulations specify the standard to which they should be built i.e. strength, fire rating of materials etc. Again it is advisable to contact your local Building Control officer(s), as a rule of thumb any canopy over 30m2 will require conformity to building regulations and an application will need to be made although this figure can be lower. Most of our structures are supplied conforming to the requirements for these regulations as standard and generic sets of structural calculations can be supplied free of charge to demonstrate to Building Control the integrity of the proposed structure and foundations.
No, all canopies are fixed on to concrete pads or bases as the structures can lift out from the ground if not fixed into a suitable concrete base due to the uplift created by wind acting on the roof area.
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